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Professor Jin-Siang Shaw


Professor Jin-Siang Shaw


Phone:886-2-2771-2171 Ext: 2046

Office:Room 426, Integrated Technology Complex



Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, U.S.A.

Lab:System and Control Laboratory (Room B04, Integrated Technology Complex)



Dr. Shaw received his diploma in mechanical engineering at Taipei Institute of Technology, Taiwan, in 1981, his MS in the department of mechanical engineering at Clemson University, USA, in 1985, and his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at the Michigan State University in 1989. He worked as the department head of mechanical engineering at Huafan University from 1997 to 2000 and at the National Taipei University of Technology from 2007 to 2010.


Research Interest

Intelligent robots, Artificial intelligence, and Biomedical engineering.


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